The Englishwoman visits Senigallia’s Biblioteca Antonelliana. Part II: Corinaldo’s churches.

If you love Corinaldo you’ll like this. Or even if you don’t but would like to find out more …

Libraries and rare books in Le Marche

I was fascinated by the difference between Gherardo Cibo’s illustrations, in Ridolfi’s manuscript, of the churches of Corinaldo (where we have our holiday home), and how they appear today. Here are the churches I know best.

Church of St Peter Corinaldo,  Ridolfi MS, Biblioteca Antonelliana, Senigallia

Once upon a time San Pietro was Corinaldo’s principal church; now only its bell tower remains.

campanile-s-pietro- Corinaldo San Pietro today. Thanks to Corinaldo Comune

San Francesco, Corinaldo, Ridolfi MS, Biblioteca Antonelliana, Senigallia

San Francesco, now Corinaldo’s parish church, formerly attached to a  friary of Franciscan Friars Minor. It has been considerably altered since 1596.

corinaldo-church-of-s-francesco San Francesco today.

San Niccolo, then S Agostino, now S Maria Goretti, Corinaldo

This was originally the church of San Niccolò. When it was taken over by the Augustinians, it became known as Sant’Agostino, and is now the Diocesan Sanctuary of Santa Maria Goretti, Corinaldo’s own local saint, who died in 1902 as the result of an attempted rape by a neighbour’s son.  Today’s church (below) is not the church Ridolfi knew; that church was mediaeval. The church…

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About An Englishwoman in Italy

I have a holiday home in Corinaldo in the province of Ancona in the Marche region of Italy. I have been going there since 1993 and would like to share my love and experience of the area. I speak Italian. Ho una casa di villeggiatura a Corinaldo nella provincia di Ancona, Regione Marche. Frequento Corinaldo da 1993 e desidero condividere i miei affetto e esperienza della zona con gli altri. Gli italiani sono sinceramente invitati a correggere gli sbagli.
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1 Responses to The Englishwoman visits Senigallia’s Biblioteca Antonelliana. Part II: Corinaldo’s churches.

  1. Beautiful, that bell tower is really very big……

    Liked by 1 person

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